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Alongside our client projects, we are passionately focused on advancing our own cutting-edge software, EboSuite. EboSuite is a growing set of plug-ins (currently 54) that turns Ableton Live (popular music software) into an audio-visual production suite. With EboSuite you can create, sample, play, mix and manipulate visuals in the same way as you are used to with audio. The plug-ins are designed to fit seamlessly in the creative workflow of music producers and performers. This provides an unrivalled way of integrating music and visuals into live shows and music productions. EboSuite enables musicians/artists to produce their own video clips, audiovisual performances and innovate in the field of visual music.

Make music with video

Thanks to EboSuite working with audio and video is possible in one, unified creative process. Use the eSampler to trigger, slice, stretch, pitch and record video in real-time. Use the ISF plug-ins ot generate or manipulate visuals with ISF shaders, opening up endless creative possibilities. And that is just the beginning, read about all plug-ins on the EboSuite website.

The solution for audio-visual shows and productions

Because its seamless integration in Ableton Live, EboSuite is ideal for live, real-time audio-visual productions. Thousands of artists and designers are using EboSuite for their live shows, installations and events.

Make video with music software

EboSuite opens up a new way of making music and visuals. Try the free demo and start experimenting and innovating yourself!

Building on years of experience

EboSuite is under constant development by EboStudio and EbomanEboSuite has a long history and is the result of many prototypes, like the 1995 video samplerSenSorSuitFrame Drummer ProskrtZz penDVJ mixerSenS ISenS IISenS IIISenS IVSennaSenSeiDVJ Mixer 3.0 and iTracks.

